Pakistan petrol price one of the lowest in the world

With the March price of Rs 62.77 per litre, Pakistan becomes the 18th cheapest country in the world in terms of petrol price. Pakistan petrol price is also the lowest in South Asia.
With Rs 23.57/litre, Kuwait petrol is the world’s cheapest, followed by Saudi Arabia at Rs 26.21/litre. Iran is at Rs 43.39/litre.
Petrol in Hong Kong is the most expensive in the world (Rs 186.73/litre), three times more than Pakistan.
USA is at Rs 57.43/litre. UK is at Rs 151.95/litre.
India is at Rs 93.06/litre. Bangladesh petrol is the most expensive in the South Asia region at Rs 134.87/litre.
June 2016 Image update: We have updated the image above for June prices. The 18th country ranking stays the same.
Regional countries with higher petrol prices than Pakistan are (PKR per litre):
Indonesia: 64.30
Afghanistan: 80.92
Bhutan: 88.63
Sri Lanka: 92.45
India: 93.06
China: 95.33
Nepal: 98.68
Bangladesh: 134.87
You can also check out petrol prices, updated every week here.
1 June 2018 update: The five-year term of current PMLN government ended on 31 May 2018.
Petrol prices per litre in PKR in Saarc countries on 28 May 2018:
Pakistan 88
Bhutan 98
Sri Lanka 108
Nepal 118
Bangladesh 122
India 140
Report by Institute of Media & Communications (IMC), Pakistan

Wali Zahid
Wali Zahid is a longtime China watcher and a Pakistan futurist. An award-winning journalist, he writes on issues of significance to Pakistan and CPEC & BRI.
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